Our Cultural Mass Centres

Directions and details of our Cultural Mass Centres in UK

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Tottenham Mass Centre

Every first Sunday of the Quarter (March, June, Sept) & 31st Dec
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church. 729 High road,
Tottenham. N17 4AG
Buses: 149 & Tube: Seven Sisters

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Akwa-Cross Cultural Mass

On Every 2nd Sunday of the month
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: St. Francis de Sales & St. Gertrude Church, 26 Larkhall lane,
Stockwell, SW4 6SP
Tube: Stockwell station on the Northern and Victoria Lines –
Short walk from the station

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Anioma Catholic Mass Centre

On Every 4TH sunday of the month
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: Church of the Ressurection of our Lord, 165 – 169, Kirkdale Road,
Sydenham SE26 4QL
Train: Overground to Sydenham StationBuses: 176, 197, 122

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Arewa Family Cultural Mass

On Every 4TH sunday of the month
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: The Guardian Angels Catholic Church, Mile End. E3 4QS
Bus: 25, 205, 277, 339, 425
Tube: Mile End


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